Replica Rolex No Date Submariner 114060 Watch Review

Replica Rolex No Date Submariner 114060 Watch Review

If only one luxury watch brand can be promoted, it must be Rolex. Rolex is a choice that won’t let you down or regret. Today I’d like to introduce one of the most famous Rolex watches of the decade.

Rolex Submariner 114060 Replica

In 2012, replica Rolex Submariner 1140060 was born. This watch has many advantages. The birth of  Rolex Submariner 1140060 represents the shutdown of 14060M. The new Ref.114060 is more fashionable.


Replica Rolex Submariner 1140060 has a perfect size of 40MM. As a sports watch, 40MM is the most suitable size. At the same time, this size can take into account formal occasions. Replica  Rolex Submariner 1140060 uses 904L stainless steel as a whole. The alloy content of 904L stainless steel is more than 1.6 times that of 316L. Moreover, 904L steel contains copper, which makes it have good corrosion resistance.


Rolex replica Submariner 114060

In response to the black bezel, this replica Rolex watch has a black dial. And it’s a simple black dial. All timescales are represented by circles, rectangles and triangles instead of Arabic numerals. It has only three hands, while keeping the classic Mercedes Benz logo. Finally, it has no date window. This is the last watch in the Submariner series that has no date.


The strap and chain have been treated by longitudinal grinding and drawing. Under different light, it reflects different luster and has great texture. Cerachrom ceramic is used for the bezel. Ceramic surface ring not only has a strong hardness and wear resistance, but also has a warm touch. The strap is more closely connected. This idea compensates for the noise of 14060M due to the loose connection.


Replica Rolex Submariner 1140060 uses the NO.3130 movement. Compared with the old 14060M, the main change of the movement of the new replica watch is the use of parachrom filament. Looking inside the movement, you can see the unique red upper chain gear of replica Rolex. This red gear is very powerful. It makes the watch more stable, durable and precise.

Rolex Submariner 114060 Replica

I want to say that everyone should have a Rolex, and one is enough. If you want a simple but practical sports watch, this replica Rolex Submariner 114060 without date is the best choice.

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